Možda znate svoju visinu, težinu i konfekcijski broj, ali znate li kom tipu tela pripadate? Prema naučnicima, svi ljudi – odnosno njihova tela spadaju u tri tipa.

“Većina ljudi je mešavina dva tipa, a to pomaže kod određivanja koje će vežbe najviše koristiti”, kaže fizioterapeut Semi Margo. Ti tipovi su ektomorfi, endomorfi i mezomorfi, a prvi put ih je identifikovao doktor Vilijam Šeldon 1940-ih.

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#endomorph #mesomorph #ectomorph #genes #bodytypes Ectomorphs are skinny with a small frame, light build, small joints and lean muscle. Usually they have long thin limbs with stringy muscles, narrow shoulders with a fast metabolism making this body type the most resistant to weight gain. Mesomorphs have a medium sized bone structure, athletic body, and they typically have a considerable amount of lean mass. Mesomorphs tend to be testosterone and growth hormone dominant, which leads to a predisposition for muscle gain and the maintenance of a lower body fat. The Mesomorph form is the best body type for bodybuilding, and responds the best to weight training, and gains are usually seen very quickly, even for beginners. The downside to mesomorphs is they gain fat more easily than ectomorphs, so they must watch their calorie intake more closely. Because of this, it helps to use combination of weight training and cardio during workout routines. Endomorphs have a larger bone structure with higher amounts of total body mass and fat mass, and this extra fat seems to resist most efforts to get rid of it. The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft, and gains fat very easily. Endo’s are usually a shorter build with thick arms & legs. Their muscles are strong, especially the upper legs, and are naturally strong in leg exercises like squatting. Football lineman and powerlifters are frequently classified as endomorphs. They also tend to be insulin dominant, leading to a greater propensity for energy storage, including both lean mass and fat mass, and also mean a lower carbohydrate tolerance.  As an endomorph, you may feel as though you are destined to be overweight or even obese. NOT TRUE!  You just have to make a conscious, concerted effort to do the things your body should be doing for you automatically. If your body isn’t instinctively telling you to get moving, you have to make sure that exercise is part of your daily routine. If your metabolism is sluggish, you need to eat the right foods that will fire up your metabolism. To put it plain as day, you need to bust your ass by exercising and eating right for your body type.

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Ovaj tip ima užu telesnu građu – uključujući uža ramena, grudi i bokove. Imaju mali procenat telesne masnoće, ali i malo mišića. Oni se teško goje ili nabijaju mišićnu masu, a udovi su im najčešće dugi i vitki. Osim toga, obično imaju visoko čelo, usko lice. Najbolje im odgovaraju vežbe koje uključuju izdržljivost na duže staze, poput trčanja, biciklizma, hodanja, triatlona i fudbala. Takođe, dobri su i u sportovima poput gimanstike, klizanja, baleta.

2. Mezomorf

Ovaj tip ima mišićavu građu tela i najčešće bismo rekli da izgledaju atletski, iako se ne moraju nužno baviti sportom za to. Imaju nešto širi torzo s jačim ramenima, ali sa istaknutim strukom. Poput ektomorfa, mezomorfi takođe nemaju veliki udeo masnoća, ali njihovi su udovi snažni i veći i imaju mnogo više mišićne mase. Idealni sportovi za njih su oni koji zahtevaju dosta snage na kratkim udaljenostima, a njihovi mišići vole vežbe poput pilatesa i joge.

3. Endomorf

Imaju znatno obliju figuru od prethodna dva tipa. U torzou su podjednako široki kao mezomorfi, ali donji deo tela odnosno kukovi i bokovi su im znatno širi dok su im ramena nešto uža. Takođe, donji deo listova i gležnjevi su im mršaviji nego kod mezomorfa. Imaju veći procenat telesne masnoće, a znatno se lakše goje. Osim što imaju oblije telo, i sama glava odnosno lice im je okruglije i mesnatije.

Najbolji oblik vježbe za njih je nešto što kombinuje kardio trening i onaj snage, a mišiće im učvršćuje dizanje tegova.

Kojoj grupi vi pripadate?

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